Thursday 18th March 2004
John, Jordan and Chris are having an argument about a bike.
John: (Shouting at Jordan) It’s my turn to ride the bike.
Chris: Let me have a go you stupid boy Jordan.
(Chris and Jordan have a fight and John gets the bike and rides off)
John: (in a funny way) bye ha ha.
Jordan: (grinding his teeth) get him.
Chris (running to Jordan) I’m not finished Jordan.
(Chris tries to throw a stone at Jordan. It did not get Jordan it hit a car window)
Jordan: (shouting) come on run.
Chris: I’m coming, he’s coming out.
(The man came out of his home)
Man: (running down the road and shouting) come back, I will phone the police.
(The man goes back in the house and does call the police)
Jordan: (shouting to Chris) I’m going in for my tea.
Chris: (shouting) Me to.
Man: (nervously) 999 can I have the police my cars been smashed.
(Policeman on the phone)
Policeman: Yes.
(John comes back with the bike and the police car turns up and the man comes out)
Man: (pointing at John) here he is.
Policeman: (Walking closer to John) were take him away.
(The police car door opens. Chris and Jordan looking at John)
John: It was not me.
Policeman: Get in.
And here is the response I got from my teacher: